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OpenResearch.wtf is a blog and Newsletter focussed on all things Open Academia. This includes Open Access, Open Data, Open Science and any other topic you can put Open in front of. As a technologist, theres likely to be a good amount of interesting tools, business models and experiments highlighted.

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Mark Hahnel is the VP Open Research at Digital Science. He is the founder of Figshare, which he created whilst completing his PhD in stem cell biology at Imperial College London. Figshare currently provides research data infrastructure for institutions, publishers and funders globally. He is passionate about open science and the potential it has to revolutionize the research community.

Mark sits on the board of DataCite and the advisory board for Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). He was on the judging panel for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Wellcome Trust Open Science prize and acted as an advisor for the Springer Nature master classes.